We are pleased to officially launch our 90-day Challenge between public universities to raise awareness and encourage energy efficiency innovation among youth. It will run from May 23 to August 19, 2022.

During this challenge, students will have the opportunity to:
Learn more about the energy use in buildings
Take action for the planet by implementing small gesture
Participate in fun contest on the theme of energy efficiency
Six universities are participating
- National University of Battambang
- National University of Management
- Royal University of Fine Arts
- Institute Technology of Cambodia
- Royal University of Law and Economics
- Royal University of Agriculture
The initiative is implemented by SEVEA, Institute Technology of Cambodia and Erasmus+ GREENCAP Project
We are grateful for the support by the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance and its partners the European Union, Sweden, UNDP Cambodia and the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Paul Mornet, Royal University of Law and Economics
Océane Trayssac, Cambodia Energy Efficiency Competition
Ria Deniska, Nantes Université