Project Timeline 2020
- 21 – 23 Jan 2020 :
Kick-off meeting at RULE - 3 Sep 2020 :
First Meeting Professional Committee - December 2020 :
Pre-Conference (postponed to Feb.2021)
GREENCAP is a project enhancing Green Capacity in higher education institutions (HEI) to foster sustainable development in Cambodia, co-funded by the Erasmus + CBHE (Capacity-Building projects in the field of Higher Education) program of the European Union. This project gathers three European partners, respectively the University of Nantes (France) – international coordinator of the project, the University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) and the University of Vigo (Spain), and four Cambodian partners, namely the Royal University of Law and Economics – local coordinator of the project, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, the National University of Management and the University of Battambang.
The definition of a green job as provided by the International Labour Organisation is a job that helps to reduce the negative environmental impact of the company and ultimately helps to build a more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable enterprise.
Please find hereby green jobs and green internships available in Cambodia, selected for being accessible to young Cambodians !