


If you want to get involved, we would be delighted !
If you need more information, please contact:

For questions regarding the overall project : 
L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est DSC08318-768x399-1-e1595843699173.jpg.Dr Lionel LEMIALE
Position: Project Coordinator (Associate professor in University of Nantes – Member of LEMNA)
Email : Lionel.Lemiale@univ-nantes.fr
Position: Project Manager
Address: LEMNA –  IAE Nantes/ School of Economics and Management
Email: ria.deniska@univ-nantes.fr

For questions related to overall activities in Cambodia : 
Mr Laurent MESMANN
Position: International Network Coordinator in Cambodia, Royal University of Law and Economics
Tel: +855 (0)68 98 98 18
Mail: laurentmesmann@gmail.com

For specific questions about Greencap objectives about liaising private sector and universities as well as organizing the Green conference (WP2),
Mrs LY Sokunthy
Position: Network Coordinator in Cambodia
Address: National University of Management, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 81 882 122
Email: ly.sokunthy@num.edu.kh

For specific questions about Greencap objectives about Green Job market matching opportunity (WP3)
Dr TY Bore Borey
Position: WP 3 Leader, Institute of Technology of Cambodia
Tel: +855 12 395 029
Email: b.ty@itc.edu.kh

For specific questions about Greencap objectives about Greening courses and curriculum in Cambodia opportunities (WP4)
Dr CHEA Ratha
Position: WP4 Leader, University of Battambang
Tel: +855 53 6666 009 or 12 319 045
Email: chearatha@ubb.edu.kh
For specific questions about Greencap Partnership in European Universities
Dr Maria Dolores Garza Gil
Position: Project Management Board, University of Vigo, Spain
Email: dgarza@uvigo.es
Dr Dewan Ahsan
Position: Project Management Board, Southern Denmark University, Denmark
Email: dah@sam.sdu.dk