

Internship Opportunity with EnergyLab Cambodia


What is the Internship Program?

The internship program is designed to provide employment pathways in clean energy for students entering their final year of university, and to support clean energy companies with identifying future employees.

The program will strengthen the students’ professional and technical skills so that they are
ready and qualified for their job.

15 internship positions in 10 different clean energy companies and organizations. Please see detailed job descriptions.


– 3-month placement between July to October

– Full week of training for work-readiness, and technical training in July

– Monthly mentoring sessions

– Paid $100/month

– Potential pathway to employment at a clean energy company

How to Apply

Apply now: https://elap.typeform.com/to/whYNGnhM

Learn more: https://energylab.asia/cleanenergyinternship