The Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark is located on the Esbjerg Campus. In 2016 there are around 50 researchers, of which 7 are Ph.D. students.
The core research profile of the Department is focused around analyses of resources from a social, economic and business economic perspective. Resources are defined as both natural and knowledge resources as well as social capital. A united element in our research approach is therefore the understanding of economic activities as resource based – not only as using resources but also as the creation of resources. Natural resource based industries build to a very large extent on technical progress and hence knowledge resources.
The Department is leading the Centre of Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and Economics (FAME) – a research and PhD education network within resource economic and management.
In General the Department focuses on environmental and resource economic research within 5 topic areas:
1) Risk analyses, risk management and risk communication.
2) Pollution and resource scarcity.
3) Theory of regulation,
4) Integrated models and
5) Ecosystem based management.
The persons involved in the project have a long experience in working in Asia and have extended contacts in Bangladesh, Vietnam and Malaysia. As an example, the Department is helping the VNU University of Economics and Business in Vietnam setting up a Master programme in Marine Resource Economics.