Seminar with University Students: Environmental Protection and Consumer Protection
Audience: RULE law students enrolled at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels; Invitation Extended to Law students from the Greencap consortium at NUBB and NUM, as well as students of all levels enrolled at the ITC.
Modalities: The seminar will take place on Monday May 9th at RULE Campus so as to allow maximum participation. The seminar is hybrid, including an on-campus event at RULE and the possibility to follow the event online through Zoom.
Objectives: This seminar participates in the general objective of greening the academic curriculum through the introduction of the problematic of sustainable development and environmental protection at the core of the discussions taking place in Cambodian universities. More precisely, highlighting the environmental component of consumer protection appears fundamental, especially since the new consumer protection law is a trending topic widely debated in the Cambodian legal community. This seminar will instill in students the awareness that the question of the protection of consumers is indissociable from sustainable development goals, including on aspects related to the regulation of the use of pesticides and herbicides and its impact on human health, or more generally production standards and their implications for the environment. It is expected that students benefiting from this seminar will become increasingly aware of the intricate ramifications between consumers’ health and sustainable development, and hence the legal implications of this relation. A second objective is to foster inter-university cooperation in the organization of seminars addressing the core question of environmental protection and its multifaceted connections to the various factors affecting the Cambodian society. Finally, the awareness of green business as essential tools in conciliating growth and environmental sustainability is to be understood by the attendants.
Seminar with Sala Traju Association: What does the Consumer Protection Law Change for Companies and Consumers?
Audience: Sala Traju members and wide and diverse following community from the civil society and business community.
Modalities: The seminar will take place on Tuesday May 10th The seminar is hybrid, including an on-site event at Sala Traju office and the possibility to follow the event online through Zoom.
Objectives: Sala Traju is an organization dedicated to the dissemination and simplification of legal knowledge in the Cambodian society, an especially important mission considering the opacity of legal institutions and decisions and the consequent legal ignorance within the general Cambodian population. The seminar therefore is presented so as to appeal to this general and heterogeneous audience in terms that attract they interest, as a mean to indirectly introduce the environmental problematic within the presentation. Indeed, it is thought that a seminar dedicated purely to the environmental component in consumer protection would be too technical for the targeted audience. The added-value of selecting Sala Traju as a partner is twofold: first the relatively large, loyal and heterogeneous audience Sala Traju has constituted throughout the years and their interest in trending legal issues, which allows us – as an academic institution – to reach members of the Cambodian civil society from a large variety of sectors and backgrounds. Second, to influence Sala Traju into becoming a responsible actor of change by increasingly incorporating the environmental problematic into its editorial and research agenda and by fostering a culture of research on the legal environmental nexus within the Sala Traju young researchers’ office, to help to promote multidisciplinary researches related to green business or green growth. The incorporation of academic articles dedicated to environmental protectionn Sala Traju’s gazette or publications would be a desirable outcome.
Seminar with the Ministry of Commerce: The Cambodian Law on Consumer Protection: What can we learn from the Spanish and European Experiences ?
Modalities: The seminar will take place on Wednesday May 11th (or at a date to be confirmed by the Ministry of Commerce). The seminar is to be hosted by the Ministry of Commerce but will take place online.
Objectives: This seminar will address an audience of technical experts from the Ministry of Commerce who have been involved in the drafting of the new law on consumer protection and are responsible for its enforcement through the National Commission for Consumer Protection. The interest here is obvious: foresting cooperation and increased permeability between academic actors and High Education Institutions and the Ministry of Commerce, as a gateway to the Economic Society at large. This is especially important in the perspective of the NESAP’s strategy on the creation of an adequate human resources, in support of a healthy environment and business competitiveness. The seminar will present an opportunity for civil servants at the Ministry of Commerce to reflect and learn from the European experience on consumer protection, including its ramifications with sustainable development and the green economy, as a tool to instill further awareness and progress at the macro level.
Exchange with Researchers from Cambodian Universities
Audience: PhD Researchers or Professors
Modalities: The seminar will take place at a date to be confirmed by the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law. The seminar is to be hosted by RULE.
Objectives: This seminar will address an audience of researchers from the 4 Cambodian participating universities of Greencap Project. It will be the opportunity for researchers to discuss the challenge of publication and international recognition of their work.
Conseiller Spécial du Recteur/ Special Advisor to the Rector
Coopération Universitaire / Academic cooperation
Université Royale de Droit et de Sciences Economiques (URDSE) / Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE)
Phnom Penh, CAMBODGE