National Consultant (NC7) with Department of Climate Change

The project “Establishing an Evidence-Based National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process at National and Subnational Scales in Cambodia Phase I” is a 1.5-year project funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to be implemented by the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the General Directorate of Policy and Strategy. The project’s main objective is “to strengthen institutional and scientific capacity in Cambodia to formulate and implement national, sectoral, and subnational climate change adaptation strategies and actions”.
The project aims to achieve the following outcomes and outputs:
OUTCOME 1: Produced evidence basis to design adaptation solutions for maximum impact by formulating a Cambodia National Climate Report (GCF Readiness 3.2).
- OUTPUT 3.2.1: Compile Cambodia National Climate Report;
- OUTPUT 3.2.2: Strengthen research capacity to conduct scientific research on climate change physical processes.
OUTCOME 2: Adaptation planning governance and institutional coordination strengthened (GCF Readiness 3.1).
- OUTPUT 3.1.1: Establish coordination and institutional mechanism and methodology for urban risk and vulnerability assessment: currently there is no uniform mechanism for conducting vulnerability assessments in Cambodia; and
- OUTPUT 3.1.2: Raise awareness, establish buy-in, and develop capacities for urban climate change planning processes.
OUTCOME 3: Private sector engagement in adaptation catalyzed (GCF Readiness 3.3).
- OUTPUT 3.3.1: Establish private sector outreach to enhance engagement with Cambodia’s climate change adaptation response;
- OUTPUT 3.3.2: Enhance the capacity of media as an outreach and information conduit for climate change and NAP Process;
- OUTPUT 3.3.3: Disseminate information about Cambodia’s NAP process to internal and external stakeholders.
- Activity Conduct research and analysis on climate change impacts on the private sector in Cambodia to provide a baseline analysis with general impacts of climate change on the private sector and recommendations for private sector adaptation planning. The report will be used to inform subsequent activities (A3.3.1.2, A3.3.1.3, & A3.3.1.5);
- Activity Establish a private sector roundtable to serve as a two-way channel of communication with the government on climate change issues and to private sector representatives – bimonthly meetings;
- Activity Establish private sector capacity building programme on climate change adaptation and project finance, primary focus on project finance; project identification; and financiers – GCF;
- Activity Conduct three private sector finance and project design workshops using materials in A3.3.1.3; and
- Activity Develop information products for the private sector to aid in understanding the impacts of climate change on business, and specific topics will be determined by analysis in A3.3.1.1 and A3.3.1.3.
This project is currently looking for the qualified candidate to fulfill the following position.
Announcement Position
- Position: National Consultant (NC7) (1 Position)
- Location: Phnom Penh
- Status: Full time
- Duration: 30 days
- To develop a content work plan to guide the work process and design research methodology for to project coordinator for approval with the technical support from IC23;
- To provide technical support to conduct the baseline research analysis to identify the impact of climate change on the private sector;
- To conduct private sector impacts analysis and develop reports with entry points and recommendation for adaptation planning, which will be used to inform subsequent activities in A3.3.1.2; A3.3.1.3; and A3.1.3.5;
- To develop, distribute, and analyze surveys of private sector stakeholders, including a sample of MSMEs and women-owned MSMEs. The survey and analysis will establish a baseline and identify general barriers related to institutional arrangements, regulatory environment, financing, and information sharing;
- To conduct the survey and analysis which will establish a baseline and identify general barriers related to institutional arrangements, regulatory environment, financing, and information sharing;
- To conduct a review of relevant literature on climate change impacts on the private sector and experience from other countries, updated and expand original private sector investigation conducted by CCCA in 2016;
- Formulate inception and final reports on the consultancy. The report needs to inform subsequent activities, including private sector roundtables (A3.3.1.2), capacity building program (A3.3.1.3), and information product development (A3.3.1.5); and
- Perform other tasks as required.
- Postgraduate Degree (Environmental Economics, Environmental Policy and Management, Climate Change, Development Studies Natural Resources Management, or other related fields.
- At least 5 years of professional in environmental-socioeconomic studies and
- analysis and multi-stakeholder consultation;
- *Experience and knowledge in private sector engagement in climate change
- adaptation, institutional arrangements, regulatory environment, financing to
- climate adaptation; and
- *Good knowledge of Cambodia’s climate policy framework and economic
- planning processes.
- Strong analytical, facilitation, and planning skills;
- Environmental-socioeconomic research and analysis; and
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Excellent command of Khmer and English (both spoken and written)
Application Information
Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae with a cover letter and a complete financial proposal form to the following address provided in the contact details.
- Department of Climate Change, the General Directorate of Policy Strategy/ Ministry of Environment.
- Techno Heritage Building, plot No.503, Blvd (St. 3), Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Tel/Fax: (855) 12 244662
- E-mail:
Closing date: 05 May 2023
Please click this link: Private Sector/Business Development Specialist | The National Council for Sustainable Development ( for more information.