
GREENCAP Opportunities for students

Greencap Final Conference 12 and 13 December 2023

Under the capacity building Erasmus+ project GREENCAP, Royal University of Law and Economics will host its Final Conference the 12th and 13th December 2023. Please see below for the agenda:

  • Ria Deniska
  • December 6, 2023

Green Job Fair 13 December 2023

Under the capacity building Erasmus+ project GREENCAP and Royal University of Law and Economics, Green Job Fair will be organize Are you a student interested in a career in the green economy? Are you curious to discover trending green jobs, products and services? Then RULE is pleased to invite you to join the Green Job […]

  • Ria Deniska
  • December 6, 2023

Announcement Green Job Fair 13 December 2023

Under the capacity building Erasmus+ project GREENCAP and Royal University of Law and Economics, Green Job Fair will be organize The event will be open for public and university students. We are accepting booth registration for private companies and organisation working within the green business and sustainability. Kindly contact Ms. LY Soda +855 78 282 […]

  • Ria Deniska
  • October 27, 2023

Research Assistant / MSc. Intern

Research Assistant / MSc. Intern with Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) (bongthom.com) Announcement Description The Agroecological and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET) project aims to promote Agroecology in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos). It involves a consortium of 23 International/European/National Institutions and Organizations and 2 United Nations Agencies. It aims to foster technical, organizational and institutional innovations at territorial level in “flagship” programs in order to support policy making initiatives. In Cambodia, the flagship activities are being developed in the communes of Rovieng district, Preah Vear province. A range of trials and demonstrations as action research are […]

  • soda Ly
  • July 18, 2023

 National Intern for Project Administration

National Intern for Project Administration with GIZ Cambodia (bongthom.com) Announcement Description GIZ is a federally owned enterprise and is supporting the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. The ASEAN-German cooperation portfolio of economic and environmental development projects supports regional stability, sustainable prosperity, and resilience and is directed in Cambodia towards enhancing the country’s competitiveness and economic diversification, through capacity building, conserving global goods as well as creating better framework conditions for businesses to use the opportunities for trade and investment arising out of the AEC. At a juncture where Cambodia is actively undertaking very comprehensive reform […]

  • soda Ly
  • July 18, 2023

Meet the Professional 24th February 2023

MEET THE PROFESSIONAL is an event that gives the opportunity to our students to be introduced to the sector of environment and green energy in Cambodia by a professional. Friday 24th of February, our guest speaker is Ms. Chin Ol, Project Manager at SOGE Cambodia, a solar green energy company in Cambodia. Place: Royal University […]

  • Ria Deniska
  • February 23, 2023

Retour sur une semaine d’ateliers autour de l’entreprenariat et l’employabilité

Article available at: https://u-news.univ-nantes.fr/semaine-dateliers-du-projet-greencap-sur-lentreprenariat-et-lemployabilite

  • Ria Deniska
  • December 2, 2022

Webinar : An introduction to global water governance and SDGs

Under the framework of the Erasmus+ Greencap Capacity Building Project, Research Center of the National University Management (NUM) hosted webinar on “An introduction to global water governance and SDGs” presented by Dr. Laura Movilla Pateiro, Ph.D. Lecturer in Public International Law and the University of Vigo (Spain) Wednesday, 20th July 2022. This webinar was attended […]

  • Ria Deniska
  • July 20, 2022

GREENCAP Training Sessions & Cours Modification Meeting

National University of Management, under the framework of the Erasmus+ Greencap Capacity Building Project, hosted training sessions on 16th and 17th June 2022. The training sessions were delivered by professors from University of Southern Denmark and Nantes University to Cambodian partner universities (National University of Battambang, Royal University of Law and Economics, Institute of Technology […]

  • THENG Chanthy
  • June 17, 2022

Sustainable Production to Enable Sustainable Consumption – Webinar

Lecturers, researchers and graduate students (master and PhD) from ITC, RULE, NUBB and NUM are cordially invited!

  • Ria Deniska
  • June 1, 2022