End Line Survey to Assess Knowledge, Attitude, Practices of Target Beneficiaries toward
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Announcement Description
WWF-Cambodia is working with local communities, the Royal Government of Cambodia at all levels, private sector, NGOs and many other conservation partners to protect biodiversity and natural resources in the Eastern Plains Landscape (EPL) and the Mekong Flooded Forests Landscape (MFF), globally recognised as home to many globally endangered species. At EPL, under the support of USAID Wildlife Sanctuary Support Program, WWF Cambodia is conserving forests and biodiversity, and promoting inclusive, sustainable management of the Phnom Prich and Srepok Wildlife Sanctuaries and their extended landscapes, which is one of the largest intact blocks of forest in Southeast Asia. One of the program’s objectives is to improve environmental knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) among the target beneficiaries who are forest dependants living in and around both wildlife sanctuaries and their extended landscapes. WWF-Cambodia is now seeking to recruit a consultant to conduct an end line survey to measure changes in KAP of the target beneficiaries.

Announcement Positions
Consultant for End Line Survey to Assess Knowledge, Attitude, Practices of Target Beneficiaries Toward Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Analyst / Assessment, Consultancy, Exec. / Management, Resources & Environment
- Location:Phnom Penh Capital
- Schedule:Short-term
- Salary:N/A
The consultant will intermittently work for 30 days, between October and December 2020.
Application Information
The consultant will submit the proposal to WWF Cambodia for the selection. The application should be included:
1). Letter of interest and CV;
2). Propose KAP survey methodology, and
3). Work plan and budget to email in the contact detail with the subject line: Consultancy for end line KAP survey by closing date.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
For more information, please contact:
Samonn Mith, USAID WSSP M&E Officer via email.
WWF Cambodia is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply and will be considered regardless of the requirements of the position.