Announcement Description
Cambodia has seen the building sector become its the largest final energy consumer, accounting for 52% of total consumption, or 3.5Mtoe in 2017. In the same year, residential and commercial buildings consumed 77% of total final electricity (IEA, 2020). National forecasts anticipate that the building’s energy consumption will more than double by 2040. Buildings with low energy performance are a drag on improving energy productivity and increasingly lock the country into a trajectory for high carbon intensity and a high rate of energy infrastructure investment. Modernization and increasing disposable income are driving the use of electrical and gas appliances in the residential sector. Cooling of buildings also presents a significant challenge. As air temperatures become more extreme, access to cooling will be required to maintain basic living conditions.
A Green Building Council has recently been established through private sector initiative and is developing a green building framework as a locally adapted industry guide, while the Ministry of Environment is also looking at introducing green building guidelines. Against this background, GGGI Cambodia will work on two fronts (i) support the creation of financial incentives and private sector-driven initiatives for mainstreaming green building (ii) drawing on this experience to inform ongoing longer-term green building policy initiatives. Under the project “Readiness for Green Building”, GGGI will strengthen readiness for green building investments by supporting the development of green building criteria, supporting the operationalization of the new Cambodia Green Building Council and government coordination mechanisms, and scoping investment opportunities.
Announcement position
• Location: Phnom Penh
• Working hours: Full-time
• Contract type: Consultant level B
• Schedule: June 2021 to May 2022 / 216 working days
- Support the operationalization of the newly established green building council:
- Outreach and engagement with a target of bringing on new members and creating visibility for the GBC
- Organizing online and offline events
- Compile training modules with the assistance of experts from the GBC and GGGI
- Preparing PowerPoint presentations and communication materials drawing on content provided by GBC and GGGI experts
- Supporting data management: developing a member and stakeholder excel database, establishing an online working space and document repository, maintaining meeting records, etc.
- Support review and testing of green building tools:
- Conduct a high-level market study on green building certification schemes in emerging market economies to assess what has been developed, what is being implemented successfully, and provide insights for developing/adopting a green building certification scheme in Cambodia
- Coordinate the collection of feedback from GGGI technical experts on key stakeholders on CAMEEL and other green building tools, strategies, guidelines, and policies under development
- Keep the team abreast of progress in policy initiatives relevant to green building – including the building code under development by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC), the green building guidelines, and national cooling action plan under development by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) and the NDC building roadmap under development by MLMUPC. Participate in relevant coordination meetings and identify synergies between different initiatives, maintain a close dialogue with government focal points, in particular at MLMUPC and MOE.
- Support GGGI technical experts in reviewing green building tools under development, and identification of options for green building finance through data and information gathering
- Coordinate the pilot testing of tools among the newly identified GBC members
- Support the development of an investment concept for green building:
- Support the GGGI technical experts with data gathering, analysis, and coordination with key stakeholders in the building and financial sector for the identification of potential financing schemes for the green building sector – such as green bonds, concessional finance, and climate finance instruments.
- Support design and implementation of a residential stock green building baseline study
- Help coordination of the residential stock green building baseline study field implementation
- Facilitate discussions with key local residential housing developers in Phnom Penh for the residential stock green building baseline study
- Payments: The consultant will submit a monthly invoice together with a timesheet and progress update, in English, to be approved by GGGI Country Representative in agreement with the Green Building Council
- Master’s degree in engineering, architecture, or sustainability, with 2-3 years relevant experiences. Bachelor will be acceptable if the candidate has 4-5 years of relevant experience
- Relevant experience in building design , construction management , sustainability and/or energy audits. Design and/or project experience in central air-conditioning systems will be an advantage.
- Fluency in written and spoken English and Khmer
- Skilled with MS Office and Google Work Space
Application Information
Interested candidates should submit CV and cover letter in English through the email: cambodia@gggi.org Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.
Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.