DATE 27-28 JULY 2021
TIME 2 – 4:30 PM
The Youth Conference will be free of charge and accessible for young high school and university students between 16-25 years old. The speakers and experts – will provide insights, advice, interactive simulations and answer live questions from the audience.
This pilot Youth Conference also paves the way for many more similar initiatives in the future. We believe this is a unique opportunity for both the GREENCAP, and EuroCham, to play a leading role promoting employability and social development in times of Covid-19 to a broad digital savvy Cambodian youth.
The European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (EuroCham Cambodia) launched its biennial CSR Contest and Awards for 2021. Being the nation’s leading contest of its kind, it has grown to include some of the country’s most recognizable brands and companies with a CSR vision.
Dissemination on newspaper Khmer Times : https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50903735/eurocham-green-jobs-will-offset-losses-in-more-traditional-work/

Recorded sessions of the conference :
Day 1: https://youtu.be/ygOWcs1jiXI
Day 2: https://youtu.be/mBEEk5wRxeg