Although green business is a worldwide concept, its development in the framework of Greencap Project should be specific to Cambodia.
In order to better adjust the needs of the partners with respect to green growth/business opportunity in Cambodia, a report is now being conducted in order to highlight the green skills required for the next 3 to 5 years on Cambodia.

Similarly, education is a key issue to move to green growth. Although awareness is now well developed about climate change impacts, etc., still knowledge of students on green jobs opportunities may be insufficient. Therefore in order to develop competences and skills necessary for Cambodia, GREENCAP Project shares these works for the public.
2 students from the University of Nantes, Ms Yasmina BARKALLAH and Mr Camilo SANCHEZ, under the supervision of 2 Economics professors Pr. Claire GAUZENTE JUGUET and Dr Lionel LEMIALE have been working on the question of requirements from green professionals and student awareness about green jobs.
Cambodian universities (ITC, UBB, NUM and RULE) have been closely associated to develop these 2 surveys and to work on the sampling of the surveys and the building of a representative panel.