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Royal University of Law and Economic (RULE)

The Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) is the first and oldest higher education institution in Cambodia. It was originally founded in 1949 as the “National Institute of Law and Economics”. RULE maintains its position as the first and leading national university in the area of Law, Public Administration, International Relations, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Economics and Management. RULE has around 15,000 students with four faculties: Law, Public Administration, Economics and Management, and Informatic Economics.

In accordance with the Education Strategic Plan and Higher Education Vision 2030 from the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, RULE has set its own strategic plan following the vision that will guide the university’s journey from 2015 through 2018 to respond to the emerging labor market. The mandate of RULE is to ensure the quality of education, innovation, research and publication. RULE has broadly expanded its international collaboration with many qualified foreign universities to promote academic exchange. RULE currently has international agreements with 19 foreign universities and research institutions and is one of the two Cambodian higher education institution members of the ASEAN Universities Network.
