UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism
This assignment is open to all eligible organizations/institutions, in line with the requirements and assignment description below.
Traditional knowledge, skills and practices that are transmitted from generation to generation and continuously recreated are part of the living heritage of communities and groups, and essential for their social-cohesion and well-being. They give young and old a sense of identity and continuity, helping them to understand who they are and providing them with a sense of belonging.
An increasing number of living heritage elements is under threat: This heritage has for many years been passed on through traditional modes of transmission embedded in the daily lives of the people (a form of informal education). However, these are increasingly challenged and sometimes disrupted for many reasons: changing ways of life, discrimination, social transformation, migration, natural disasters and conflict. Education systems can also pose some threat to the safeguarding of the ICH as sometimes they are disconnected from local realities and communities. As a result, young people around the world, can be increasingly deprived from the joy and benefits of learning with and through their heritage, unless effective safeguarding measures are identified and applied.
Project Overview
The proposed project will take a two-pronged approach to generate collective knowledge on the integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in Formal Education in Cambodia, and to further refine the methodologies already piloted, adapting it to the context of the country. At the end of the project, a range of approaches, implemented by UNESCO, government and civil society counterparts, will be made available so the country can tailor them to address the specific needs in schools in Cambodia.
Announcement Positions
- Location:Phnom Penh Capital
- Type of contract: Contract for Services
- Duration of contract: 8 months (January 2021 to August 2021)
- Recruitment open to: All eligible organizations/institutions
Expected Deliverables and Duration
The contractor will submit the following:
- By 19 March 2021: a comprehensive mid-term report on the project implementation since the beginning, specifying the carried-out activities, outcomes obtained, challenges encountered, follow-up actions, and recommendations;
- By 27 August 2021: a final narrative report and financial reports that include:
- All carried-out detailed activities, technical assistance provided and outputs, including but not limited to achievements, challenges encountered, mitigation measures taken, actions for exit strategy for sustainability of the action, recommendations on the methodology/ strategy to integrate the ICH education into national curriculum for the Ministry of Education, a financial report including certified copies of receipts, in line with UNESCO rules and regulations;
- Lessons learnt from the pilot must be articulated, and included in the narrative report;
- The following documents shall be annexed to the final report: Piloting materials: customized pedagogical materials for both teachers training and materials for students; Training and lessons plan; Results of methodology mainstreaming advocacy carried out in the country; Audio-visual documentation including photos, videography with printed materials;
Experience: At least 2 – 5 years of relevant work-experience in Arts Education in formal education in Cambodia, in elaborating materials on arts education and training of trainers for new materials testing.
Desirable Qualifications
- Excellent proven track-record of working in the promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Cambodia, including experience in working with the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport;
- Technical experts with experience in developing educational materials in Intangible Cultural heritage is mandatory.
Submission Requirements
Please note that all organizations must Submit a project proposal with complete and accurate information following the outline below by Saturday, 26 December 2020 (Midnight, Phnom Penh Time):
- Profile of the organization/institution candidate;
- Justification of at least 2-5 years of Experiences on Arts Education in Formal Education;
- List of technical experts with their profiles, who will work on the project.
- Timeframe for the project implementation
- Activities planning
- Detailed budget estimation per activity for the whole project
- Official Registration number (with Cambodian Authority) and bank account reference
Interested organizations should submit the proposal as per above, and any supporting documents (in English) via e-mail(link sends e-mail) or to UNESCO Phnom Penh Address provided in the contact details. No modifications can be made to the application submitted.
For any queries or clarifications relating to the technical proposal, please contact, Mr. Masanori Nagaoka, Culture Programme Specialist (Email: (link sends e-mail)), and copy to Mr. Makara Hong, National Professional Officer for Culture (Email: (link sends e-mail)), UNESCO Phnom Penh Office, via email only.
The evaluation of candidates is based on the criteria of the call for proposals.
For more information, Please click this link